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Seekers know that in deep space planet eclipses don't behave like they supposed to.  Light rumbles, shape weighs, gravity colours.

The idea was to create, using p5js, a simple and iterative illustration-like image only with dots. Something that feels like drawn with a fine pen and lots of patience.

Each iteration varies in planet size, color palette, number and size of stars (background), number of rings, rings separation and points distribution along rings. Each variable is calculated to give randomness and variety.

Update Apr 22: To provide more rare mints, I added versions were the points -the "dots" that creates the image- change into other shapes: lines and squares ("pixeled" look). The chance of getting them is lower, so good luck :)

Update May 22: fine tune of palettes and addition of a bunch more (22 total); new distribution for background stars; sizes for the planet has 4 options (dwarf, regular, big and gigant); solar flares added (90% chances of getting some) .

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